interested in having a custom coffee roasted?
Whether you are a small business wanting retail bags with your name and logo on it, or a coffee shop that wants an exclusive roasts tailored to your needs, we can make that happen.
We can also roast and package coffee for special events like weddings, fundraisers, baby showers, barn raisings, anniversaries, and more.
To get started on your custom roast send an email to or call (304) 667-4504.
Elevate Packaging
For bags we decided to go with Elevate Packaging. We chose these pouches because all of the films, zippers, and valves are certified compostable, vegan, non-GMO, and are not made with PLA. They are also lightweight and durable which reduces shipping impacts and overall carbon footprint. We have also decided to use PURE Labels, through Elevate Packaging, for our 100% compostable labels. We love our planet and know that each sustainable packaging choice we make matters!
Cafe Imports
We shopped around quite a bit and chose Cafe Imports as our bean supplier. They are an independent importer and developer of some of the world's finest specialty green coffees. Since 2008 they have been carbon neutral and are dedicated to coffee sourcing in the areas of environment, social responsibility, and coffee quality development
Our Colombian coffee bean is balanced and sweet with a creamy mouthfeel; milk chocolate and cocoa flavors. It is grown by a 300-member association of Organic-Certified, and Rainforest Alliance–Certified growers that shared a vision of sustainable agriculture as well as environmental protection and development. Fair Trade and Organic coffees from Colombia are somewhat rare, but these producers adhere to these principles and are very committed to both the ecological and social health of their communities.
Our Sumatran coffee bean is tangy citric acidity, herbal, nutty, with cedar and baking spices. It is grown by a women coffee producers subgroup of a cooperative of 625 smallholder farmer members. The women members typically bring their coffee in cherry form to a collection point where it is de-pulped, fermented underwater for 12 hours, and given a pre-dry before undergoing the Wet-Hulling process. Women in this area have legal obstacles to their overall success and prosperity. Buying from the Women Coffee Producers projects separates out coffees grown by women members, and we pay a gender-equity premium that is paid directly to those producers for use as they see fit.
Our Honduran coffee bean is clean and savory with herbal, almond, and cocoa flavors. It is grown by a Certified-Organic Fairtrade association of 131 producers in Lempira, Honduras. The farmers hail from several municipalities, and they own small parcels of land in the mountainous region, with its fertile loamy soil. The producers here grow under shade trees, which provide plenty of organic material for composting and fertilization.
Our Peruvian coffee bean is sweet and smooth with tart acidity, chamomile, chocolate, cranberry, and citrus fruit flavors. Peru is a shining example of progress and development through relationships. This coffee comes from Rony Lavan, a cupper at Lima Coffee Cooperative in the Cajamarca region of Peru. It is a great example a smaller, higher quality, and more traceable offering. With this Fair Trade Organic Norte, the country is poised to enter the international spotlight for its finest offerings.
